What a start to the year for OR3D.
As January ends, we review what we have achieved, launched, and discussed.
For OR3D GEO, our sub-brand for everything geospatial, we launched our new Aerial Mapping service with the acquisition of the Ultra 3 LiDAR scanner from YellowScan. We also acquired a smart new OR3D GEO van equipped with everything we need for site visits.
In the first week of January, OR3D CT launched Scan Quest, a monthly scan featuring various items to showcase our EasyTom 230 from RX Solutions and CT services.
After almost twelve months of work, OR3D launched their first online training course for Geomagic For Solidworks available for current OR3D clients and anyone who wants to complete the course.
Let’s look at all this in more detail.
Top News
OR3D GEO launch Drone Based Aerial Mapping Services
OR3D announced the acquisition of the Ultra 3 LiDAR scanner from YellowScan. With its ability to capture large areas quickly and accurately, laser technology offers ground measurements through deeply vegetated environments such as forests, cliff faces and coastal areas.
This new service from OR3D GEO brings an all-in-one solution to capture, process and visualise 3D data at speed, creating rich datasets for multiple mapping and analysis purposes. Stay tuned for lots more content and data analysis.
In case you missed the launch (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7153442198284357632)
New Geomagic For SolidWork online course launched by OR3D
After almost twelve months of work by our OR3D trained Geomagic experts, we were delighted to finally launch our first online course – Geomagic For Solidworks.
OR3D, is the UK and Ireland’s accredited training and maintenance partner for Oqton’s, Geomagic. The new online course helps Solidworks users get to grips with all aspects of the software with key course highlights including point cloud and mesh editing, auto surfacing skills, and getting to grips with example workflows – enabling users to quickly understand the processes to enact reverse engineering and QA abilities.
The course is available to current OR3D clients for free but can be purchased online for an introductory price of £200, with a certificate on completion. Please contact the OR3D office on 01691 777 774.
In case you missed it https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7157301143700652032
The news was also covered by Stephen Holmes from Develop3D – https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stephenholmesd3d_new-geomagic-for-solidworks-online-course-activity-7158118192370913281-E4OK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Mid Scroll break….
OR3D GEO picked up their shiny new van for our geospatial team. From scanning bridges, confined space inspections, heritage projects, mobile mapping, crack detection, and more, the new van is well equipped to make our Geospatial projects run smoothly.
Introducing Scan Quest from OR3D CT
In our CT Centre, OR3D CT has been busy developing our new Scan Quest brand to bring followers captivating scans to highlight the capabilities and CT services using our RX Solutions EasyTom 230.
We started with a CT scan of a filament light bulb. Using Industrial CT data to understand the internal mechanisms we looked at the bulb’s different components.
To celebrate Burns Day, OR3D CT scanned a bottle of whiskey called Pure Scot from Bladnoch Distillery. This Scan Quest focussed on wall thickness analysis and how it can be used to visualise the varying thickness of the glass across the whole bottle at one time.
In case you missed it…
Filament Light Bulb – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7148686395035828225
Whiskey Bottle – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7156267525285007361
Stay tuned for more Scan Quests in February! Clue: Love is in the CT scan.
Life at OR3D
After a very busy start to the new year, OR3D is looking forward to bringing you lots more news on our plans to exhibit at key shows, new services, and very soon a brand new OR3D website.
We also congratulate Morgan Davis on his new role as R&D Engineer at OR3D. Morgan will be working on many exciting projects to create and refine existing technologies through research, design, experimentation and testing. Good luck Morgan!
For more information on our services visit www.or3d.co.uk